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Monday 13 February 2012

New Crossbow Stock Design

Click here for a PDF version you can download

Old Crossbow Stock Design

Click here for a PDF version you can download

The old stock design includes actual size nut and trigger that was used on the first crossbow I made with this stock design.

I also included actual size nut and trigger on this PDF. Below is a screen shot from my YouTube video that feature this trigger and nut.


  1. Jason.
    Thanks for posting the pdf's for you stock design.
    I will be printing them tonight.
    I do like the smooth curves.

    If you are interested, I'm building my trigger design and blogging my
    trials and tribulations of the build.
    Not much text, but lots of pictures.
    If you have time please have a look and give me some feedback.
    All the best.
    Keep the blog coming.

  2. Printed the stocks....dude! you must be a pretty big guy (you seem like a regular dude in the YT window) :))))

    Anyway, stocks are fun. I posted on YT, so no need to repeat myself here. I'm interested in how this will turn out...lots of thin lines, but stock making is sort of an art and you learn to feel the wood (and it's limitations :) you're working with. Just make sure the grain should I say this...*vertically*? basically so that the growth ring lines are vertical when you look at teh butt of the stock...that way those thin sections might survive. ;)

    Good Luck,


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Jason for sharing your plans. Excellent Crossbow. Can you purchase the material needed for the trigger?
